Money Challenge and some Shout Outs

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:07pm

Hello Everyonesmiley

I love seeing all of the photos that you send into school.  This week has been no different.


Alfie Ba you have been working super hard making your Blackpool Tower and practising blending and segmenting your words with phoneme frames.  I am so proud of you, Alfie for doing this!  Well done to Mummy too for buying you all the super Letters and Sounds resources! Letters and Sounds along with reading is soooo important!

Scarlett and Bobby also took on Mrs Taylor’s challenge to make their own Blackpool Towers.  What was great was that they all used different resources and they all looked different but they all made towers just like the one in Blackpool.

Stanley, I just wanted to jump into your massive swimming pool!  I bet you and Heidi had lots of fun playing in it.  I loved your painted stones too.  They are a lovely gift, Stanley.  Your cakes look yummy too and you know how Mrs Duffy loves a piece of cake!


Sophia, what adventurous children you and your big brother Jacob are!  Exploring those caves must have been really scary, but great fun too!  I just knew that you would be practising your dancing and gymnastics everyday whilst at home, Sophia so I wasn’t at all surprised to see the photos of you doing the splits!  You are a million times more flexible than me!


Next week, when some of you are in school with me, we will be making a shop and a bank in the covered area and using them to help us to recognise all of the different coins and to make some exact amounts of money.

While the rest of you are off with your mums and dads, next week, see if you can recognise all of the different coins and notes and understand their values i.e. how many pennies each coin is worth.  Perhaps you could make a shop too, label all the produce and make the exact amounts of money that you need to buy each thing in the shop?  You could make a doll shop, a train shop, a lego shop, a food shop, any type of shop that you want but don’t forget to learn the value of all the different coins and notes and try making some exact amounts of money using different coins together.

I will see some of you on Monday and I will look forward to seeing the rest of you in any photos that you send into school!


Have a lovely VE Day and long weekend.

Love Mrs Duffyheart