Monday-Tuesday Health and Wellbeing Week

Date: 19th Jun 2018 @ 1:56pm

Health and Wellbeing Week

This week the children have really engaged with our health and wellbeing topic. We have introduced a cosy corner and a worries jar into our classroom and Mrs O'Donoghue has spent some time with each child discussing anger management and relaxation techniques. Each day we will be completing circle times and laps of our track.  Thank you to all our sponsors!


First thing on Monday we hit the ground running with our daily laps- we managed 12! The children also shared many of their worries and concerns in a circle time and we thought of advice and ways in which we could all help.

After break we relaxed with a bit of guided meditation and mindfulness colouring. The children definitely took the opportunity for a well-earned rest and really seemed to appreciate the calm nature of the session. 

In the afternoon the children completed a fit4all exercise session where we learnt all about the different roles of food groups in our diet, and why it is important to eat the right things.


Today we started off right by making a mindfulness bookmark and then completing our laps, we improved on yesterday and managed 24 today!

We also spent some time practising our sports day activities, we worked on our ball skills, throwing, relay and obstacle course. The children made a good start but we can't wait to give this another go.

After break we began our work on emotions- this is an art project which the children are completing in groups. Each group chose an emotion and produced either a realistic or abstract piece of art which represents the emotion, we can't wait to see what the finished pieces looks like!

Finally, we finished the day with a visit from Mrs Parsonage (dietitian), this was very informative and she answered lots of our questions about healthy eating.

We are looking forward to what the rest of the week brings! 

The Y2 Team smiley