Monday 8th June Blog

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 4:29pm

Hello, Year 5!

Have you all had a lovely, few weeks off? I certainly hope so!

It has been very strange- not blogging every day of the week- but I’m back and ready to set you more work every day to keep you super busy 😊

What have you been up to? Why not share it on the class blog or send an email in to school to let us know?

It would be really great to hear from you.

I also hope you have all seen the video message we posted on the school website (in the gallery sections) from all of the staff?

I still miss you all terribly, but I know you are all very good and are keeping busy working and spending time with your families, and as long as you are all happy and health- that’s what counts!


Work and activities!

Why not start the day with some dancing?

Kidz Bop:

Les Mills (Born to Move):

Or even a good workout:


This half-term is our ‘Local History’ topic ‘GLASS’, where we would have been exploring lots of things about St Helens and the World of Glass, so to start you all off, over the coming weeks I have a project for you.

Each week, I will post a task or two for each part of your project. This week, try to do/ research the following:

  1. Create a front cover for your project entitled ‘The History of St Helens’ or something similar- find a picture of something you associate with St Helens (Totally Wicked Stadium, Town Hall, World of Glass etc) and draw it on the front page.
  2. Information about St Helens- such as:


Population (over the years)

What it is famous for

Famous people that have come from St Helens

Any other interesting information you find out


Here are some useful websites for you to get started:,%2C%20Windle%2C%20Parr%20and%20Sutton.,_Merseyside



To link in with our topic, we will eventually be writing a letter from the point of view of somebody who lived in St.  Helens in the past.

Your task for Literacy this week is to write a letter about yourself, and what it is like to live where you live (how old you are, where you live, who you live with, what hobbies you have, how you get to school, where you like to spend time etc, your favourite food, pets etc). Try to remember the features of a letter, and write it out correctly- to keep up good habits :-)

We will eventually be comparing this to the next one you will write in a few weeks!



Today is ‘World Oceans Day’, so I have attached a Reading Comprehension all about it at the bottom of the page. (You choose the difficulty level)

If you want to learn more about ‘World Oceans Day’, or you would like more activities, visit these websites:


Maths- Measurement

  1. Find out as many ways as you can that we use to measure things- what can you measure in your house?
  2. Find out what different units of measurement we use today, and how we might have measured things in the past (or in other countries).
  3. Find out how we convert between millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.
  4. I have set you two ‘Measurement’ 2 Dos on Purple Mash.


Don’t forget- BBC Bitesize still have lots of lessons online if you run out of things to do 😊


Write to you all tomorrow!

Miss Davies 😊


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