Monday 6th July

Date: 5th Jul 2020 @ 10:51am

*Please note that the suggested activities are not compulsory. They should be lots of fun and engaging for your child. Little and often is always best; spending just a few minutes at a time playing the games. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer. 



Today's activities will focus on Communication and Language. 

This aspect of our Early Years curriculum helps to develop children's speaking and listening skills. These skills are highly important and lay the foundation for all learning. 




Hello everyone!

I've been having a sneaky peek at our blog. I've loved seeing your super smiley faces so please keep sending your photos. They make me so happy!

It's Monday today so it's time for another game. Would you like to play?


Robot Fun

For this game you're going to pretend to be a robot! You'll definitely need a robot voice. Can you say hello in your robot voice? And you'll have to move like a robot. Can you do that? 

Did you know robots are excellent at following instructions? Well, today you're going to listen to and follow some robot instructions. After that, your grown-up can have a turn being the robot and you can give them some instructions to follow! 


Parents: Give your child some simple one-step instructions to follow like pick up the ball or jump three times. To make it trickier, try instructions with two or three parts like turn around then stamp your feet or pick up the teddy and put it under the cushion then clap your hands. 


Story Time

Do you like to read? I like to get cosy on the couch with my favourite story, Hugless Dougles. Have you read that one? 

Find some time today to snuggle up to your grown-up and read a story together. It could be your favourite story or maybe one you've never read! When the story is finished, can you have a turn at telling the story? You can use the pictures in the book to help you.

I'd love to hear about the stories you like to read. Send me an email and let me know!


Parents: After reading the story, ask simple questions to encourage your child to recall parts of the story. 

What was your favourite part of the story?

Was there a part of the story you didn't like/made you smile/made you sad?

Why did (the character) do that?

How do you think (the character) was feeling?


Have a wonderful day everyone. I will write to you on Wednesday!

Miss Davies heart