Monday 29th June

Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 9:47am

*Note to parents -  Please note, activities are not compulsory. Try to spend only a few minutes at a time playing the games and make them lots of fun for your child – little and often is best. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer.

Moday's activities will focus on PSED. (Personal, Social, Emotional Development) 

PSED in the EYFS supports children to learn to get on with others and make friends, understand and talk about feelings, learn about 'right' and 'wrong', develop independence and ultimatley feel good about themselves. 

*Try to play games with your child that will encourage sharing. 

*Can you provide lots of opportunites around the home for your child to ask for help and tell a grown up what they need.


Good Morning children smiley

Welcome to our very first blog post, how exciting!

I hope you are all OK. Are you excited to start school in September? I can't wait to meet you all and have lots of fun!

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I will put a fun activity or game on our class blog. Would you like to play? 


Today's Activity

 Can you play a board game with your family? Do you have a favourite board game? I do, I love to play snakes and ladders with my family!

When you play your board game, can you try really hard to take turns? 


Music To Take Turns

Can you sing a song, together with your family? Do you know 'The wheels on the bus'? It is one of our favourite songs in Reception! When you sing 'The wheels on the bus', can you take it in turns to do the actions and make the sounds?


Don't forget, we would love to hear all about the fun you are having at home. If you would like to, you can share photos and send us messages. Send them into our school email


I hope you have a lovely day and I will write to you all on Wednesday.

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x