Monday 27th April

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 12:35pm

Hello again, you lot! 


Well, it is the start of another week of home learning. I can't believe we are into week 4! surprise


Once again, the sun is shining, which means there are lots of reasons to get outside: you could read a book outside; play with brothers or sisters; exercise or even do some work out there. Remember to keep active- it is so important for your mind that you keep your body moving. It will help your concentration and improve your mood.  yes


Now, last week I set you a little project. That project was based on our new topic, 'Blitz Britain'. Did you learn anything interesting? I hope you enjoyed taking part in the activities I set for you. If you haven't finished, please keep going with it so you know as much as possible about the war before we come back to school. It is such a fascinating topic- I know you are really going to enjoy learning about WWII. smiley


This week's project is going to be something slightly different- it is going to be based on the NHS. NHS stands for National Health Service. Our project this week is aimed at expressing our gratitude to those who save lives each and every day. You might be interested to know that this week's project will lead to a national competition, where you can win Amazon vouchers of up to £50! cool


The project is going to be split into different sections and by the end of this week, you will know exactly what to do to enter the competition. Today's tasks are simple; they are all about you. I want you to have a look at the PowerPoint I've attached to this blog and complete the activities that go alongside it. These activities involve thinking about your favourite things, what you are good at and what makes you unique. I think you will really enjoy completing today's activities (feel free to send photographs to our school email once completed and I will add them to tomorrow's blog- There is also a quiz on the PowerPoint, which will teach you some interesting facts about the NHS- this will come in handy for your next activities.  


Did anyone take part in the BBC Bitesize lesson on transition to high school on Friday? If you did, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. I hope it was really helpful for you. Don't forget, if you manage to whizz through today's project work, there are lots of other things to keep you occupied. 

* Times Tables Rockstars

* Reading for 30 minutes (either a book, ebook or something on Serial Mash)

* Baking

* Helping your parents around the house with jobs such as cleaning, tidying, washing dishes wink

* Teach yourself a new skill (my ukulele practise is going well, although it is quite difficult!)

* Spend time talking to family members without using technology- switch off the TV, put down the phone and just chat! You could play games, plan things to do for the future once lockdown is over or even just talk about your favourite things.


I just wanted to finish today's blog by saying how proud I am of all of you: I know that our current situation is strange and a little bit worrying, and it can be difficult being away from your friends and family, but you are all doing a great job. I know you are all working incredibly hard from home (I've seen lots of great photographs and pieces of work you've done) and it really does fill me with pride. Remember that this will all pass soon. Keep safe, keep washing those hands and keep smiling.


Speak to you tomorrow,


Mrs Naylor heart

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