Monday 27th April Blog Week 4

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 12:00pm

Good morning everybody.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready to start another week of home learning!

Just a short blog today to remind you of the activities and work you could be getting on with:

  1. Stay active- you can catch up with Joe Wicks at any time of the day, BBC Supermovers is great, and some of you may have even downloaded to TopYa! app.
  2. Reading on Purple Mash, or one of your own books
  3. Times Tables Rockstars or Monster Multiplication
  4. For Literacy, there is a great ‘Punctuation and Inverted Commas’ lesson on BBC bitesize.
  5. There is also a lesson on Prime and Square numbers on there, too- find them here:

  1. If you want the extra challenge, remember to go on White Rose Maths and find the Week 2 section for Y5!

  1. There is still plenty to find out about Brazil, if you haven’t already finished your projects- Look in the booklet I put up on last week’s blog (Wednesday 22nd April) ‘Brazil Booklet Sheets’ and see if there is anything on there you can complete that you haven’t already found out!


I am also in the middle of setting up a blog for you all on Purple Mash. You will be able to post what you have been up to on there- along with pictures of work you have done.

So- make sure you save work or take pictures of what you have been doing, then you’ll have some things to share once it is up and ready.

(Purple Mash seems to having a few issues this morning, so I will have it sorted by tomorrow, providing it is running properly again)


Finally, it is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day from 8th-10th May. The children in school will be making some decorations to commemorate it, so why don’t you take a look at this website: to find out more, and maybe make your own VE day posters/bunting/medals to put up in your windows?!


Speak to you all tomorrow,

Miss Davies 😊