Monday 22nd June Blog

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 5:11pm

Good morning, Year 5!


I hope you have had a good weekend and had lots of fun!

Are you ready for another week of learning?


As I’ve said, I am in school now teaching, so I am trying to set you activities for every subject each day, but if there is nothing listed for Maths and English,  I have attached a booklet for you at the bottom of this page to be used throughout the week. 

You can also use BBC Bitesize instead if you prefer, which I will also list every day.


I will be setting additional tasks for you, in case you run out, which you can choose to do instead of, or as well as, the workbooks/ Bitesize.


Writing/ Topic:

For your English today, I thought you could research somebody significant from St Helens and create a biography about them (an account of somebody’s life, written by somebody else).

Here is a website with a list of people from St Helens.

If you like, you could choose to write about a relative that lived in St Helens in the past instead.

I have set up a template on Purple Mash for you to use to create your biography.




TT Rockstars and your workbook- ‘Multiply by 2-digits’.


Stay Active:

National School Sports Week!!

This week is National School Sports week.

Each day I will post an activity for you to have a go at. There is also a timetable below for you to use, and there will be videos posted by Sports4Kids each day- watch this space! Let's get moving!!


Here is a Harry Potter Cosmic Kids Yoga video for you to try and start the week with as well:


Maths= Subtracting Decimals

English= Writing a comic using parenthesis

History= The Kingdom of Benin


Before I forget- 


Well done to those of you who have been on this week, and particularly those of you who moved up!

Congratulations to Oliver B who is a new ROCK LEGEND!! Super work, Oliver!

(Please let me know if any more of you have moved up since I looked last and I have missed you out).

Rock Legends: Ben, Oliver B, Maya, Sonny, Molly, Lily, Eleanor, James, Lucy S, Amelie.

Rock Hero: Dylan

Headliner and Support Act: Zoe and George

You are awesome at this- keep it up!

Statistics from the last 7 days:

43% of you are going on TT Rockstars (just less than half the class)

Average minutes per day spent on it: 1 minute 59 seconds

Average Coins earned: 2,581

Average Correct Answers: 432      Accuracy= 94% 


That's amazing :) 

Let's see if you can beat those scores this week!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

Remember to send in pictures of your work and stay in touch.

Miss Davies 😊

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