Monday 20th July

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 8:32am

Good Morning, everyone!


Have we recovered from our emotional last day on Friday, yet? I have (just about!) It was lovely seeing all of your parents and families there to celebrate with you all. I hope you had a lovely evening and managed to enjoy yourselves.


Before I get to today's transition tasks, I'd just like to say, on behalf of Mrs Hrab and myself, how grateful we are for all of your thoughtful gifts, cards and kind words. They certainly brought a tear to my eye and I will keep your cards with the lovely messages in forever. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness- it really wasn't necessary. Teaching the children was an absolute joy and a privilege and we will really miss them all. heart


Now then! Moving on up...

Transition is an important part of change- you need to be able to ease yourselves into high school before attending to make sure you can hit the ground running in September. For those of you going to St. Peter's, check previous blogs for work that you should complete.  Don't forget to start reading 'Coraline', too. For those of you going to other schools, why not visit your school's website today and learn as much as you can about your new school? Here are some things to look out for:

1. Your school motto or slogan

2. Your year group leader

3. Your form tutor and which subject they teach

4. Any activities or clubs you might want to join

5. Homework and how it works in high school

6. How you should dress (uniform policy) - pay particular attention to any rules about shoes, jewellery and make-up!

7. The Year 7 curriculum (use the time to get yourself ready at home for what is to come).


I hope you all have a productive day getting yourselves mentally prepared for September.

I'll be in touch again tomorrow with some more suggestions and ideas.

Lots of love


Mrs Naylor heart