Monday 20th July

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 8:19am

Good morning Year 1!

I am sure that you are all aware this is the final three days of this school year then you are free to enjoy a long summer with your lovely families before retuning in September as a Year 2 pupil!  Over the next couple of days, this blog will focus on setting you activities to help you prepare for this. we go....


This is a worksheet for creating your own memories poster which you can either print off or just use as a guide and create your own poster, thinking about your favourtie memories from your time in Year 1.

Reading and Spelling in Year 2:

I have attached a reading and spelling list booklet for you to have at home and begin working through.  There are some fun activities in the booklet to help you learn how to read and spell these words in a fun and exciting way!

All About Me

I have also attached a booklet called All About Me which you can complete over the summer and bring to Year 2 in September.  It will give Mrs T-D and Mrs Ryan the chance to learn a little more about you.  Remember, when you are writing, to make sure you use a sharp pencil and write in your NEATEST handwriting.  That will be sure to impress them both!

I will sign off for today and blog again in the morning with a few more activities.

Until then, take care and keep smiling. 

Mrs Taylor x 

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