Monday 20th July Transition Blog

Date: 18th Jul 2020 @ 3:31pm

Good morning, everybody!

Welcome to the last Monday blog of Y5! (boooo !)


Don’t worry- I’m not about to bombard you with lots of home learning for each subject…


This blog is your ‘Transition Day’ Blog.

As you will remember, every year- before we finish for the summer holidays- you are given the chance to meet your new teacher and spend a few hours in the classroom you will be in, come September.

You normally ask your teacher questions, write a letter and complete fun activities on that day.

Well… you’ll be glad to know there will be no letter writing until September when you are back in school, and sadly, you won’t be spending that time in class, but luckily Mrs Naylor has put together a letter she would like you to read.

The letter is designed to introduce you to Y6 and give you a few tips and words of advice so that you can be well prepared for September!

I have also included a few activity booklets at the bottom of the page that I think you might find useful to complete before you return to school.

If you hadn’t planned on doing any work over the next few days- don’t worry! These booklets can be done any time before you return to school. (the later the better really, so that it is fresh in your memory when you come back).


I have also attached a worksheet for you, which is all about your worries and the things you are looking forward to, this next academic year.

That is something worth filling in over the next few days, so that you can check in with yourself to see how you are feeling.

It might even be good to complete it twice- once now, the second time, a day or two before school starts again, as you might find your feelings have changed a little over the coming weeks?

Anyway, less talking from me. Here it is, your official welcome to Year 6!

Enjoy 😊

Remember I’ll be writing to you all tomorrow again!

Have a lovely day, children.

Miss Davies

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