Monday 20th July - 3 days to go .....

Date: 19th Jul 2020 @ 1:49pm

Good Morning Y3.

I hope that you all have had a lovely weekend. Today starts the countdown to the end of the school year - 3 days to go! 

As promised, I have attached a letter from Miss Gradwell for you to read, welcoming you to Y4 and telling you all about life in Y4.  She makes Y4 sound great and I'm sure that you'll all have a successful year. laugh Miss Gradwell has also asked me to upload a reading bookmark, spelling list and times table chart to help you to prepare for September.

Today's work:

I have attached 2 activities today for you to complete.

1) A Maths Revision Booklet to refresh your memories of the skills and knowledge taught in Y3. 

2) An English/Art transition activity - which I think you will really enjoy. If you can't download the T-shirt template, you could draw your own or use an old white T-shirt of your own to draw/write on. wink

Try to keep up with your reading and times tables too, as these will help you next year. 

Rock Stars Tournament Update:

Well the boys did it! yes  They got their revenge on the girls winning the last tournament 2658 - 1328. Well done to Liam, Joseph, Harry and Harrison who worked so well to be crowned champions. Hard luck to the girls - Sophia, Annabel, Isla W, Heidi and Addie. Don't be too disappointed girls as you all know your times tables much better now. smiley

A SHOUT OUT to Liam for his super times table work. Liam is now answering questions in an average time of 2.87 seconds and he is now the highest placed Y3 child on the leaderboard. Liam is also the only Y3 child to be a ROCK STAR! Way to go Liam.  laugh laugh

A SHOUT OUT to Harriet for this super new emoji. I love how it is so colourful Harriet. smiley

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That's all from me for today Year 3. I'll be in touch tomorrow when I will attach some Maths and English transition activities for you, to help you to prepare for life in Y4.

Until tomorrow.

Take care everyone and stay safe.

Mrs H heart

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