Monday 20th April

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 10:57am

Hello again, Year 6!


I hope you have all had a lovely, relaxed break over the Easter holidays. Today is officially the first day of the Summer term- the last term of the year! I hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready to continue with your home learning. 

Over the holidays, I have been in school for a few days, where we had lots of fun creating, painting, dancing and even soaking each other with water balloons! I've also been practising my new instrument (which Ava S correctly guessed is a ukulele). So far, it is going well. I am really enjoying learning a new skill and suggest you learn something new, too. 

Speaking of learning...  wink


I will be setting some more 2dos for you today on Purple Mash: please keep going with them, and remember to give it your best. I have been impressed with the quality of your work so far, so I would love to see this continue. 

Don't forget to keep reading every day, too. Purple Mash books on Serial Mash are really good to read, especially for those of you who prefer e-reading. 

Today, ease yourselves back into some sort of routine: read, visit Times Tables Rockstars and get outside in the fresh air to do some exercise. Tomorrow, I am going to set you a little project. I will give you a new project every week, but please remember to continue with the work set online, as well as completing your paper packs. It is really important that you keep learning. 

I will speak to you all tomorrow,


Mrs Naylor  laugh