Monday 20th April Blog

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:24am

Hello Year 5!

It feels like ages since I have blogged!

I hope you have all been keeping safe and well and have enjoyed the 2-week break over Easter in the beautiful sunshine we have had!

It has been so lovely to hear from some of you over the past few weeks (yes I do get your emails from school)- I cannot tell you how fantastic it is to hear about and see some of the wonderful learning you have been doing at home. Keep it up guys!

Remember to email school if you have done anything you would really like to share with everybody:


So now that Easter is over, it is time to get back into the swing of things and start your daily learning again!

If you haven’t yet completed anything in your home learning packs, you could carry on with them, but I will also be blogging every day with updates and extra activities for you to complete at home.

Some of you will have already found the new daily lessons that BBC bitesize have launched- if you have, great! There are lots of things on there that will keep you occupied for weeks to come!


For those of you that don't have access to a computer all the time, there is another file at the bottom of this page with a list of activities you could be doing!



Remember, it is still very important that you are reading every day. You can still access the Serial Mash books on Purple Mash and complete a chapter review or the chapter quizzes on there, too.

You might be reading a book of your own instead. In that case, ask an adult to question you about the book or complete some activities. Such as:

  1. What does the title tell you about the story?
  2. What do you predict will happen after the first few paragraphs?
  3. Find a word that means the same as ________________ (Skim and scan)
  4. Find a word that means the opposite of _______________ (Skim and scan)
  5. How does a character feel? How do you know (use evidence from the text)?
  6. Summarise what has happened so far in no more than 20 words…
  7. Why did a character say/do something?
  8. What is your favourite part of the chapter/story- why?
  9. Find the meaning of new words you meet in a dictionary or on Google.
  10. Stop the book part way through or at the end- carry on the story yourself and put your own spin on it!

Don’t forget- poetry is also VERY important to read (it’s one of my favourite things as you might already know). There is a great poem to read and complete activities on, in the Activity Book I have attached at the bottom of the page- (Activity 6)


You should also still be learning your times tables off-by-heart every day, too.

Times Tables Rockstars is there for you to use, along with Monster Multiplication on Purple Mash.

Remember, it’s not just about being able to say 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and so on…

To ‘master’ your times tables, you should be saying them out loud like this:


‘One three is three, two threes are six, three threes are nine, four threes are twelve…’ etc


Then ask an adult (or sibling) to ask you them in the same way, but randomly. For example:

“five threes”

“seven threes”

“twelve threes”


If you really want to be an expert- try learning the corresponding division sentences, too:

“twelve divided by three”

“twenty-seven divided by three” and so on…



I have set you a 2do on Purple Mash called ‘Circus Tricks’ which is all about colons to introduce items in a detailed list.



Remember the ‘Super Writers Assemble’ competition ends this Saturday (25th April) so you still have time to write a fantastic story, with perfect punctuation of course! (See School Blogs for more information).



You may still have lots to finish on your Brazil projects, but if you have finished these, there are lots of other subject activities in the Activity Booklet below, such as:

British Sign Language Activities




And much more!

Remember to keep that exercise up- whether it be Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga, create your own obstacle course in your garden or house (with parent permission of course) or BBC Supermovers!


Finally, I just wanted to put a last message on to remind you all to say a little prayer each day, for people who are very poorly, people who are key workers and people who might just need God more than ever right now. We must remember to keep others in our thoughts and be grateful for God’s love.

Stay safe everyone! Speak to you all tomorrow.

Miss Davies 😊

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