Monday 18th May Blog Week 7

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 9:40pm

Good morning, children!


I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the glorious weather?

I can't believe it is the 7th week you have been working at home! How time has flown. I can't wait until it is time for us to all return to normal again, as I am missing you all very much still!





This is the theme for this week. I feel like this is one of the most important weeks we have had so far, so I have a few activities lined up for you at the bottom of the page, to show some kindness not only to others, but to yourself as well! 

1. Fill in the wellbeing journal pages for each day (I will post each one every morning)- at the bottom of the page. 

2. Mindful minute 'Brain Break' cards

3. This evening, or when you get a quiet minute, try out this guided meditation- it will leave you feeling very relaxed!

4. Try the 'Make someone smile' worksheet at the bottom of the page, too.

Not only is it important to look after our bodies by exercising, but it is just as (if not more) important to look after our minds, too- by giving our brains a break sometimes from worries. 


Look out for more mindfulness and kindness activities throughout this week's blogs!

Also, this month it is ‘National Smile Month’

National Smile month is mostly to do with good ‘Oral Health and Hygiene’ – which means looking after your teeth and gums. But it is also about what a smile means to you. So are challenging everybody to write a poem to smile to. This is what they want:

The challenge is easy - write a poem about what a smile means to you.

It can be a tale of being a top brusher, or a journey about how a simple smile makes you feel.  You can write about teeth, gums, flossing, sugar, visiting the dentist, happiness or friendship.  It's entirely up to you.

We're looking for poems that move, excite, amuse, and inspire us. 

And most importantly, poems that make us smile.

Write those poems, and send them to me- I will email them to the organisation and they are going to publish the best ones on social media (no names of course).

There is an example of a funny smile poem here

I will be setting an activity each day this week for National Smile Month.






Work today:

  • Remember your daily exercise
  • Try and read another chapter of a book you are reading at the moment.
  • Head on to TT Rockstars- remember the target this week is for each of you to spend at least 5 minutes a day on it!
  • BBC Bitesize have their usual lessons-


Write to you all tomorrow!

Miss Davies 😊

Before I forget, if there is anybody that is having issues with any of the programmes such as Purple Mash or TT Rockstars, or if you have been on and you haven’t been mentioned on my weekly blog, please make sure you either let me know on the Purple Mash blogs, or email school (who will pass on the message to me). It seems TT Rockstars hasn’t been displaying some names and I don’t want to miss anybody off!

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