Monday 13th July Blog

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 1:50pm

Good morning and Happy Monday, everyone!

Did you have a great weekend?

It is officially the last FULL week of Home Learning this week.

I will be putting up things on the blog next Monday-Wednesday that may be useful to end the year, and help you to look forward to Y6.

I cannot believe the school year is almost over, can you?

It feels like the longest, yet the shortest year ever!


Here is some work for today:


My task:  - Angles review

Home Learning Pack: Multiplying unit and non-unit fractions by an integer.

BBC Bitesize: Convert between different units of metric measure- kg, km, mg, ml



My task: I’d like you to create a blog (in our class blog) about your time in Y5- Write about your favourite memory of Y5!

Home Learning Pack: Synonyms and Antonyms

BBC Bitesize: Reading and using texts


Topic work:

 BBC Bitesize: Science Challenge: Spectacular Space


Finally, a huge SHOUTOUT to Sonny, who emailed me his AMAZING projects  about Brazil and St Helens. I was blown away at how detailed and excellent they were. You have shown true dedication and motivation, Sonny, so thank you and well done! You should be very proud. Here is a snapshot of them:



Write to you all tomorrow

Miss Davies 😊

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