Monday 11th May Blog Week 6

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:30am

Good morning Year 5!

What a wonderful morning it is, too.

I hope you have all had a wonderful long weekend and enjoyed some time outside at some point.

I’m guessing some of you have done a Joe Wick’s workout this morning. Or maybe you have done something else to get your heart rates going? You might even be leaving your exercise until later. Either way- make sure you get some exercise in as always. It will make you feel so much better!


So before I give you some ideas for Literacy and Maths, I have some activities to share with you, as there are a few themes this week. (I provide you with lots of ideas so you can choose what to have a go at today, and even come back to some of them during the week if you run out of things to do!)

  1. Some of you may well know that this week would have been SATS week for Year 6 so firstly, I wondered if any of you were feeling creative and would enjoy maybe writing them a short poem to cheer them up?
  •  It could be about SATS, and how they are worth so much more than just a test score.
  • It could just be a funny poem about anything, to make them smile or laugh.

It would be great to see them posted on your blogs, and I could even share them with Mrs Naylor or Mrs Hrab to show the Year 6s.


  1. This week is also ‘Christian Aid Week’. Christian Aid is a charity that works with 700 organisations from 50 different countries around the world, to help poor communities and enable them to deal with hardships, such as natural disasters from climate change.

Here is the website for more information:

Here is also a page with lots of resources for you to look at and have a go at:

I have attached some ideas for you to do a Collective Worship at home at the bottom of the page, too.

Despite everything going on at the moment, we could still find ways to raise money for Christian Aid, such as:

  • Baking cakes and leaving them on a table at the front of your house with an ‘honesty box’ for money donations from passers by
  • Sponsored run, walk, cycle, dance (sponsor forms can be found on the website)
  • You could do a sponsored sing at the front of your house (if you feel confident enough)

There are lots more ideas on the website!


  1. It is also ‘National Vegetarian Week’ this week. Some of you may be vegetarians already. Maybe you have been thinking about trying it. Well, your challenge this week is to do one of the following:

-Go a full week without eating meat

-Go a full day without eating meat

-Try a new vegetable that you have never tried before

-Make a vegetarian meal for your family


People decide to become vegetarians for many reasons. A well-rounded vegetarian diet is thought to be lower in saturated fats and higher in fibre, which is much healthier for your body.

Other people believe that meat farming has a huge impact on the environment, and many people do not eat meat because they love animals so much. Whatever reason it is, and whether you agree with It or not, you could maybe try it out, just for one day or meal?


  1. Finally, it is ‘World Migratory Bird Day’ today, too.


This day helps to raise awareness of looking after the habitats of birds that travel to and from other parts of the world at different times of the year (migration), that may be endangered because of food shortage or their homes being destroyed.  There are some activities at the bottom of the page for you to have a go at if you like.


There is a lot of information here, children. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to get it all done in one go. Choose an activity for today and stick to it. This blog will stay here for you to come back to if you want more activities to do during the week.




Work for today:




Maths: Calculating Area

English: How to write a Formal Report

History: Who is Tutankhamun?


Remember, there is plenty of reading on Purple Mash to do- along with your chapter reviews 😊 There is also TT Rockstars to go on.


I will be posting some more reading comprehensions tomorrow. Please let me know on the blogs if there is anything else you would like for me to post that you are short of.

Write to you all tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies.

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