Miss Wood's blog: week two

Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 5:13pm

World Book Day!

We celebrated World Book Day this week on the 1st March. The children brought in some book character potatoes- they were all absolutely fantastic! In assembly, the children had the chance to see lots of other World Book Day potatoes. Everybody thought about their favourite books and who they enjoy sharing a story with. We finished the day by reading a story as a class, which was lovely.


We finished reading The Diary of the killer cat by Anne Fine. Children wrote brilliant diary entries from the point of view of Ellie. They also finished our class display about Anne Fine. We love her books!


The children designed their own Superlambananas that would represent our school. They used paints, oil pastels, wax crayons and different types of felt tip pens to bring their ideas to life! On Friday, the children used chalk on black card to recreate a picture of Another Place, the iron men on Crosby beach. They are now up on display.

Here are some photographs from our creative and busy week!


Miss Wood