Miss Wood's blog: week ten

Date: 11th May 2018 @ 4:06pm


This week the children learned about the Holy Spirit. After Jesus’ resurrection, he told his friends, ‘you will receive the power of the holy spirit.' We then did a hot seat activity. When they were sat on the hot seat, the children pretended to be a disciple and they were asked questions about how they felt after Jesus had gone. They gave reasons for why they felt this way. 


We continued to practise inverse operations. This has included problem solving and it has been lots of fun! 


We started to look at Ancient Greek myths and legends. We read Theseus and the Minotaur. Then the children created their own mythical creature and wrote character descriptions.They used adjectives to describe what it looks like and thought about where it could live and what it could eat. They are excellent! 


Children explored a programme on Purple Mash called 2paint. They experiemented with all of the artistic features on the programme and created their mythical creatures. 


We focused on ordering main events from Ancient Greece on a timeline. 


The pebbles that the children have painted have been sent home today for the children to hide around Billinge. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Miss Wood