Miss Wood's blog: week seven

Date: 22nd Apr 2018 @ 8:10pm

It's been a great first week back at school. I really enjoyed reading stories about what the children did during the holidays in their literacy homework. It sounds like they had a fantastic few weeks off. 


We have nearly finished our giving topic. The topic has been about remembering, celebrating and responding to how people give themselves. The children have also discussed how Lent is a time to remember Jesus' total giving. This week the children described some ways in which religious belief is ‘lived out’. They produced some wonderful work. 


We started our new topic this week and its very exciting! It is called Meet the Greeks! It is all about Ancient Greece and there is so much history, geography and art to learn! We have a very exciting few weeks ahead! This week, the children thought about what they wanted to know about the Ancient Greeks. They then researched using the computers. They found out some really interesting facts and created a fact file. We looked at The Battle of the Marathon, a myth about a man who ran 26.2 miles from Athens to Sparta. This is why a marathon is 26.2 miles! We compared the two cities and found out about their differences. In literacy, the children wrote stories from the point of view of the runner, Pheidippides.They are fantastic! 

Thank you, 

Miss Wood