Miss Wood's blog: week one

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 4:24pm

Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to staff, parents and children for making me feel extremely welcome during my first week. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children and meeting everybody. It has been a wonderful first week.

Come and see

In R.E, we have continued with the listening and sharing topic. We have been looking at the Eucharist and the Gloria. The children wrote prayers praising God, which blew me away- they were fantastic!


The children have written me letters, telling me all about themselves! It has been wonderful to see their writing and learn more about them!



We have been focusing on mass, in grams and kilograms. Next week, we will move on to volume and capacity.


As part of our ‘Marvellous Merseyside’ topic work, we enjoyed looking at Superlambananas. We had so much fun learning about the artist who designed them and the many amazing designs. Next week the children will be designing their own Superlambananas! I can’t wait to see the designs. They have had some creative ideas.


More updates next week!

Thank you,


Miss Wood