Miss Wood's blog: week nine

Date: 4th May 2018 @ 4:52pm


This week in RE, we started our new topic- Energy. The topic explores Pentecost and the power and energy of the Holy Spirit. The children enjoyed discussing the power of fire and wind.


This week we looked at Aesop’s fables. Aesop was a slave and storyteller who lived in Ancient Greece. We looked at;

The ant and the grasshopper

The boy who cried wolf

The lion and the mouse

The hare and the tortoise. 

Each table had a different fable to look at and they performed it to the class. They then produced wonderful fable writing!


The focus of maths this week was finding the inverse of number calculations. The children did really well!


Amazing Ancient Greek artefacts! We looked at a Greek discus, Greek sandals, a wax tablet and stylus, coins, a mask of Hercules, an oil lamp and theatre masks.

We also explored the history of the Olympic games. The children compared The Ancient Greece Olympic games to the modern day Olympic games. It was very interesting to look at the different sporting events like chariot racing!


Tuesday afternoon was fantastic. It was great to see so many of you there. Thank you for coming and helping with the masks. Here are some photographs that show the process of creating our Ancient Greek theatre masks…





Miss Wood