Miss Wood's blog: week four

Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 4:27pm


In R.E this week, the children discussed people who work in dangerous situations and how they choose to help other people. The children also researched symbols of Lent using the computers and they are now on our Come and See display in class.


We carried out an investigation to compare soil from different areas and find out what soil is made of. We collected four soil samples and added water to them. We then left them overnight and observed the next day how the particles had settled. Miss Barnes brought in soil from St Helens. Mrs Tablot– Davies brought in soil from Widnes. I brought soil from Liverpool. For the final sample, we took some soil from our school forest area, so that we had a local sample from Billinge. After using magnifying glasses to look at the soil in the jars, we discovered the different layers. At the top of the jar we could see organic matter, sticks and leaves. In the middle, there was dirty water. The next layer was clay. Then at the bottom of the jar there were rocks and larger particles.

Here are some photographs!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, 


Miss Wood