Miss Wood's blog: week eight

Date: 29th Apr 2018 @ 5:45pm


Ancient Greece

We have had some fantastic afternoons this week working on our Ancient Greek art work! 

The first art task was designing Ancient Greek pottery. The children learned about Greek pottery and we looked at lots of different designs. The children then coloured in a vase template and cut out silhouettes of animals or warriors onto black card and stuck them on. This makes the designs really stand out! 

We also started our Ancient Greek theatre masks this week. We looked at Greek theatre and amphitheatres before the children designed their own masks. This involved a lot of messy paper mache! The children covered half the side of a balloon with paper mache, so that when they are dry they will hold a mask shape.They have been drying this week and are now ready to be painted soon.  I can't wait to see the final masks! 

Thank you 

Miss Wood