Measuring Fun for Marvellous Mathematicians

Date: 12th Jul 2020 @ 8:38pm

Hello Y1

Scarlett and Bobby have been busy making their own 3d lighthouses.  Bobby’s was blue and Scarlett’s was red.  Scarlett also went on a very windy trip to Hale lighthouse so she could see one in real life. Scarlett pointed out the lightening rod and the deck the lighthouse keeper used to go on to clean the glass.


Now for your maths work. All of the tasks I have added for you are measuring activities.  Have a go at them and see how you get on!


These children have really impressed me this week with how they have applied themselves to all of the virtual maths tasks so far:

Georgia, Matilda, James, Scarlett, Lucas and Ewan.

Well done!


These children have also made a super effort at all of the tasks:

Jessica, Sam, Bobby, Maddie and Oliver.

Well done!


Lots of love and big hugs from Mrs Duffy