Life in Y6

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 2:18pm

So, it looks like we made it!! - to half term anyway!!    We're full of bugs and coughs and colds but we did it kids - we got our first half term over in Y6.    

The last couple of  weeks have been very busy - what with open afternoons and parents evenings, E-Safety assembly and first aid training as well as everything else that goes on in Y6 its all been a bit mad!!! 

The kids wouldn't believe that I used to be an 'International gymnast' until I did a handstand against the wall - but now they do!!!    Next week it might be a cartwheel laugh

The First Aid training was really useful, and despite the dummy having a touch of the 'Donald Trumps' about him, we all had a good time practicing our resuscitation techniques and what to do if someone chokes.  Which is really good since, when asked, 95% of the class said that they remember choking on something during their lives. 

I've attached some photos that you might like - check out Alice - talk about being an Elton John wannabe!!!! angel Anyone would think it was her birthday or something !

Have a lovely week off kids - enjoy yourselves and stay safe.

Myself, Miss Barnes and Mrs Hankin will see you all after half term!!!  - and don't forget to read over the play cool