Last week of Spring Term 2021

Date: 2nd Apr 2021 @ 12:01pm

Hello all, 

Hope you're enjoying this sunny Good Friday.  Well it's the start of the Easter holidays and we all deserve some rest and relaxation after a busy Spring Term.

It was an absolute pleasure to see all the children return to school in early March and have us all back together as a class once again.  I have been so impressed with all the children in Y2 this term in terms of their excellent attitude towards their learning, their resilience, positivity and their lovely, sunny personalities.  They have been an absolute joy to teach and I could not ask any more of them!

In our Come and See lessons the children have followed the stories from Holy Week and have been touched by Jesus' suffering and repsonded so well with their Lenten Promises and their desire to seek opportunities to follow in the foosteps of Jesus.  The children have shown their caring natures and their desire to help others.  They have been a shining example of our school motto: "Being the best we can be".

In our maths lessons we have been learning all about the properties of 2d and 3d shapes and exploring how 2d shapes faces are found in 3d shapes.  We have explored sides and vertices and looked for lines of symmetry in 2d shapes.  We will continue to explore shapes when we return for the Summer Term.

The children have completed some creative writing in response to our Out of this world topic and have enjoyed Mini Grey's story "Toys in Space".   They made their own Hoctopize puppets ( a character from the story) and wrote some super instructions about how to make your own character puppet.  We played pass the parcel, just like the characters from the story and then devised a list of rules for this traditional party game.  It was great fun!

As part of "Covid Day of Relection" the children observed a minute's silence and were thoughtful in their observations and reflections throughout the day.  They often astound me with their mature attitiude and their thoughtfulness.  The children completed some excellent art work and wrote prayers of thanks for all the people who have helped us during the past year and shared some of their lockdown memories.  We planted some flowers to place in our Prayer Garden and will return to the Prayer Garden next term to see all the flowers blossom and to take some time to pray and reflect.  It was a special day for everyone.

Finally, we finished the term with a day of Easter fun! The day started off with an Easter Egg hunt (thanks for all the donated eggs) which was enjoyed by us all.  After that we made Easter egg wreaths (some excellent cutting skills) and finished with the last of our Come and See work (He is Risen! posters).  In the afternoon we worked with Mrs Ryan to complete our design work for this term, felt sewn hand puppets - of which we are all very proud!

Take a look at some of the attached photos showing what fun we've had this term.

See you all in two weeks!

Mrs Talbot-Davies

Mrs Ryan

Mrs O'Donoghue
