Last Day Of Reception!

Date: 22nd Jul 2020 @ 7:16am

Good morning Reception smiley

How are you feeling today? It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day!

Can you believe that today is our last day of Reception? I can still remember the very first day I met you all. You were all so small! You have grown up so much over the year and I have loved being your teacher! I am super proud of every child in my class. You have all been AMAZING! Thank you for being such hard workers and thank you for making me smile every day, you really are wonderful children!

Thank you for the beautiful cards and gifts I have recieved, you really are so thoughtful smiley

Are you ready for one last day of learning?


Rhyme Time

I have attached an end of Reception rhyme to our blog. Can you learn the rhyme and perform to your family? Pretend you are on our big stage!


The Cautious Caterpillar

Cody the caterpillar has lots of friends as she turns into a butterfly. Who are your best friends? I have attached a fun butterfly worksheet for you all. Can you tell me, what you are good at and what you would like to get better at?


What Is Your Super Power?

You are all super children, and you all have lots of different talents. As you finish Reception and get ready to start Year 1, can you think about all the things you are good at? What super powers will you take with you to Year 1? Can you complete the super power work sheet?


You are all more than ready to begin Year 1 in September, Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor cannot wait to meet you all. They are such wonderful teachers, you are really going to enjoy life in Year 1.


Well Reception, I cannot end our final Reception class blog without a song. Dance and sing along 


Have a wonderful summer Reception. I will see you all in the new school year.

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x



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