Knowsley Safari Park

Date: 15th Jun 2018 @ 3:11pm

As you know on Tuesday the children enjoyed a trip to Knowsley Safari Park, this was a well earned relief after all of our hard work in the run up to SATs and throughout the year.

I'm sure you've all heard a rundown of events by now, but for those who haven't our day started with Safari School, where we learnt all about habitats, the lions at Knowsley and animals teeth. We also learned about giant African land snails and pythons, and even gave them a little stroke!

We then had a wander round the park on foot, we spotted giraffes and some meerkats, but the children were the most thrilled to see a tiger which was lay really close to the fence. However, the main event for this part of the day was when the children discovered an activity which mimicked how tigers spread their scent- I'm sure you can imagine their amusement!

After lunch we went to the sea lion show which was truly amazing. The two sea lions were called Arthur and Roger and they went head to head to see who could perform the best tricks. They pretended to be sharks, balanced balls, caught hoops, jumped off high ledges, scored goals and even pretended to be seals so we could learn the difference between the two.

The birds of prey show was also brilliant, we learnt all about how important vultures are for the environment, as well as learning about how different birds hunt for their prey. We saw vultures, owls, eagles and storks, they came very close and some flew really close over our heads.

Next, we had a tour guide travel round the safari with us, he taught us all about the different animals that we spotted, which I'm sure will prove to be fantastic inspiration for our upcoming poetry, recounts and posters.

Finally, we finished the day with a visit to the bat cave, It was quite dark and the bats flew closeby, resulting in a few surprises for children and adults alike!

All in all we had a fantastic day at Knowsley Safari Park and it was lovely to see so many happy faces.

The Y2 team :)