Date: 14th May 2017 @ 11:58am

Well SATs are over ..... hooray!   We are so pleased and very proud of all our children for digging deep during SATs week and doing the very best that they could.  Fingers crossed that the results reflect all the hard work and committment they have put into them.  laugh

We had a party to celebrate on Friday afternoon  but unfortunately, due to the rain, we had to make do with the junior hall to kick up our heels!  Still a good time was had by all and I've attached a few photographs for you to laugh at!!       devil   Mrs Hymers had a great idea that we make a pyramid!!  Nice one Mrs H the staff now have broken backs to contend with!!!!!  angry

Remember though kids, we still have work to do.  There's geography, D.T, writing and lots of R.E still to get through but on a lighter note P.E is back on the menu as is french and music.  surprise