
Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 5:13pm

This week at St Mary's, we have been celebrating British Values in class. On Monday, as part of our computing lesson, the children produced a word cloud of all things relating to great Britain (including the Values). Some of these will be on display outside the Year 5 classroom in the next week or so.

                                                     Image result for british values


This week, we have been working hard to produce our first drafts of a biography. We have been researching some famous British people and, after spending some time planning, we are now in the process of producing some brilliant biographies. Our British celebs are:

  • The Queen (Queen Elizabeth II)
  • Andy Murray
  • Rebecca Adlington
  • J.K Rowling

The children in Year 6 have really enjoyed learning all about their given celebrity and they are now full of facts and information about their Brit! Once our first drafts have been completed, we will begin the editing and improving process, before completing our final drafts. These final drafts will take pride of place in our writing portfolios and some will even be chosen for display.  

         Image result for queen elizabeth iiImage result for rebecca adlingtonImage result for andy murray





In science, we have been learning about the circulatory system. Year 6 now have a fantastic knowledge of the parts of the heart and lungs- I was blown away with the information they retained about the circulatory system.

We are sticking to the theme of identity and we are now in the process of planning an investigation. The children have planned to investigate what will happen to our heart rate when we exercise. We have, so far, produced an aim, method, prediction and some of us even thought about how we could make our test fair.

As well as being brilliant scientists, I've been blown away with the work ethic and attitude of the class in general. In science lessons, they are already applying their knowledge of punctuation, grammar and sentence structures to really show me what they can do. Some children have been using semi-colons, colons, embedded clauses and dashes in their science work, which is excellent. Keep up the hard work, Year 6!


                                     Image result for human heartImage result for lungs labelled diagram ks2


Miss Barnes :)