Home School wc 22nd June

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 7:49am

Home School Y2 Week Beginning 22nd June

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I will put a timetable up as a suggested format for the week in place of a daily blog.  This will follow the same pattern  as last week with BBC Bitesize lessons alongside White Rose Maths home learning with some additional Education City MYCITY Homework tasks and Purple Mash 2 Dos.  This will be the pattern for Monday to Wednesday and then Mrs Ryan will set some topic based tasks for Thursday and Friday.

Phonics Bloom is an interactive website with lots of fun games for children to practise their letters and sounds (phonics) and will help with the consolidation of the Phase 5 Sounds we have been learning throughout the year. Use this to recap on previous rules taught this year.

Very Important to note:

This week’s lessons takes lessons from 15th June on BBC Bitesize and White Rose.

For those of you who want to print out I have sometimes added the worksheet, but there is no need to do this as it practises the same skills and content as the screen activity. (This is on MYCITY)

This term many of the activities will be consolidation and revision of topics and concepts taught in previous terms so there should be a high degree of independence with these tasks.

wc 22nd June





BBC Bitesize – Properties of 2D Shapes

Super Shape activities added in MYCITY (Education City Homework)



BBC Bitesize draft and redraft – identifying errors in writing


BBC Bitesize – Significant people in History  - exploring the life of William Shakespeare

PurpleMash 2Do set – write a fact file about William Shakespeare


BBC Bitesize –sorting 2D and 3D Shapes

Go on a shape hunt and record your results.  How many cylinders, cuboids, cubes etc can you find?


Use this weeks “Super Shape” activities in Education City Homework MYCITY

White Rose Home Maths

BBC Bitesize – days of the week and joining words (conjunctions)

Education City MYCITY (homework) Learn Screens and Activity


BBC Bitesize

This Geography focus fits in brilliantly with our Y2 Summer Term topic “Hot and Cold”


BBC Bitesize – sorting 2d and 3D Shapes – use the tasks set in Education City (MYCITY) Homework


White Rose Maths

Use the Phonics Bloom website (free games) to practise and revise some Phase 5 letters and sounds.  There are lots of games that are really fun to play.  Focus on the tricky sounds that you might still be unsure of!


BBC Bitesize – Science Parts of the Body and the Senses


Reading Assessment Optional – In Homework MYCITY (Education City) there is a reading assessment to try. 


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan