Home School Day 4

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 4:09pm

Good morning everyone,

Hope we're all getting on well with our learning from home tasks and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  All of this spring weather makes me want to draw, colour or collage some spring pictures, why don't you have a go? If you want to use the 2Paint on Purple Mash you could share it to our class display board and I will be able to see it and comment on your creations.

Times Tables Rockstars is up and running and I can see that a few of you have already earned some rewards.  Well done!  You will be whizzes at your times tables in a few weeks!

Don't forget to practise a little bit of writing every day.  We were all working so hard to make our handwriting beautiful - remember clear ascenders and descenders with finger spaces - and some of us were getting really good with our joined-up handwriting.

I can't wait to hear all about your space-themed projects, I have heard how much some of you are enjoying doing this at home.

How are we all getting on with our spellings of the Common Exception Words?  Remember there are some activities in your pack to help you learn them.  

Take care, 

Mrs TDsmiley

PS Use the link on our class home page to Maths ICT Games - I have just played the Shark Game and its good fun!