Home School 9th July

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 9:38am

Good morning Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well.

I’d like to begin this week’s blog with a massive “WELL DONE!” to those of you who have completed your African Art projects and emailed me at school to show me what you have learnt. I was absolutely blown away by your research into Tingatinga and your artwork in this style. Your African masks were also AMAZING! I hope you all enjoyed this project and had lots of fun learning.

Today, I am setting you a writing task. I would like you to imagine that you have been on a real African safari. Perhaps you could visit the Knowsley Safari Park website and explore the Home-School Safari section to give you some ideas. Here are some links that you might find useful:




Once you have spent some time learning about the different animals, I would like you to write a diary entry all about your African safari. I have attached some resources to the bottom of this blog to remind you about the features of diary writing. There are also some examples of different diary entries to give you some ideas on how to write in this style.

Mrs Ryan’s Top Tip: Try to use your five senses to describe what you have seen, heard, felt, smelt and tasted- was it a very hot day when you went on safari? Could you hear the sounds of the wildlife? What did the scenery look like? How did you feel when you spotted the first animal? What were they doing?

I would love you to email me with your diary entries once you have finished them! Have a wonderful day children.

Take care, enjoy your learning and I will write to you all again tomorrow!

Mrs R heart

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