Home School 7th May

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:05am

Good morning everyone,

Are you using the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons for Home School? If so today’s lessons are great for Y2!  A big “Well Done”  for all those children for completing the MYCITY Homework tasks on Education City and for completing your 2Dos on Purple Mash.

The maths lesson and activities today are practising addition and subtraction – easy peasy!  There is also a fun game to make using dice.

 The English today looks at Reading Comprehension with a focus on Iggy Inference! (Remember him?) This is a super activity and exactly like we do in Guided Reading in school so please have a go at this one!  I added a MYCITY on Education City (Homework) called Reading Comprehension wc 27th April - I've noticed some of you have completed it (well done!) some of you have accessed the Learn Screen but not completed the activity and some of you haven't tried it.  Why not have a go and see if you can get a great score? (The top score so far was 100%!)

The final activity is a computing activity and it’s a Thursday and if we were in school Mrs Ryan would be in this afternoon to teach Y2 – and she teaches computing!  So it will be just like being in school!

Happy home learning, take care everybody!  Have a great VE Day tomorrow, it’s a bank holiday so no Home School – a day off!

Mrs TDsmiley