Home School 6th May

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:34am

Good morning everyone,

Are you using the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons for Home School? If so today’s lessons are just up our street!

The maths lesson and activities are all about using number facts to help with addition and subtraction.  It also looks at how we can use the inverse to help with working out missing numbers. We can all do these as we have had lots of practice with this in class this year. I have added some activities to Education City MYCITY homework. There are two learn screens to watch and two activities.  This is also the focus of White Rose Maths Home Learning so there are plenty of actvities for you to complete.

 The English lessons focus on practising handwriting.  If these don’t suit why not choose a favourite page from one of your books and copy it out in your very best handwriting. You could have a go and try joining up some of the letters you know how to join.

It’s a sunny day so if you can why not take yourselves outdoors and get active. You could make up a sports day for all your toys and make certificates for them all to award at the end.  You could organise your toys into 4 houses just like we do in school: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Happy home learning, take care everybody!

Mrs TD smiley