Home School 5th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:27am

Good morning everyone,

Today’s BBC Bitesize daily is excellent for Y2.

The maths lesson and activities are all about the greater than, less than,  and equal symbols. We can all do these as we have had lots of practice with this in class this year. I have added some activities to Education City MYCITY homework. There is a learn screen for you to watch and two activities.

 The English lessons are all about using commas in statement sentences.  I have added a MYCITY homework on Education City to help you practise this! There are two learn screens and one activity. There is also a link to Antarctica which fits in beautifully with our Hot and Cold Summer topic.  As does the Geography lesson today which is all about an introduction to Africa – perfect for topic work!

Happy home learning, take care everybody!

Mrs TDsmiley