Home School 2nd July

Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 5:33pm

Hi guys!

It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well. I cannot believe we are in July already! I love this month as it is my birthday month. I cannot wait to turn 21 again next weekend! wink

How are you all getting on with your African art project? A big thank you and well done to those who have emailed me to show me their projects so far- I have been very impressed by your work. If anyone else wants to get in touch, remember to email me at school on stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk

Speaking of African animals, did you know that Knowsley Safari Park is now open again? I took Baby Blake on Tuesday and we had lots of fun spotting the different animals. We even drove through the baboon enclosure and had them jump on our car! If anyone manages to visit the safari park, do send in pictures of your visit. There are some lovely learning resources on the Knowsley Safari Park website, such as this one all about Africa: https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/media/2085/africa-ks1-pre.pdf why not have a go and see if you can complete the booklet?

As you have your art project to be getting on with, I won’t be setting any new topic tasks this week.  However, if you are following the BBC Bitesize daily lessons then here are the topics for today:


Maths: measuring in millimetres

English: alphabetical order

German: numbers, food and drink

Have a good day everyone! I will be in touch again tomorrow.


Take care, Mrs Ryan heart