Home School 26th June

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 4:13pm

Hello Year 2!

I hope you are well and enjoyed the sunshine yesterday! I’m just checking in to remind you about your art project- this is your topic task over the next 2 weeks. All of the details can be found on yesterday’s blog.laugh

Some of you might already know that this week has been ‘National School Sport Week.’ This year, things are a little bit different, but if you would like to find out more and take part in the activities you can visit:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaShqm-i1tIdz0-VphqRDFg. Here, you can view videos of the different sporting challenges and have a go at them if you so wish.

If you are following the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons, today’s topics are:

Reading: Ella Bella Ballerina and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by James Mayhew.

Maths: challenge of the week

French: food and drink.

Have a lovely day everyone and a well earned rest over the weekend. I will speak to you all again next week.

Mrs R heart