Home School 25th June

Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 8:36pm

Hello Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the glorious weather we have seen this week! Today is set to be another very hot day, so if you are spending time outside, remember to apply sun cream regularly and drink plenty of fluids!

Now, last week I told you that I would be setting you an Art project to work on over the next couple of weeks, so here are the details…

African Art Project:

Have you heard of the CBeebies show, ‘Tinga Tinga Tales’? It is a children’s TV series based on African folk tales and it looks at the origins of various animals found in Africa. If you haven’t already seen it and would like to watch some episodes, you can do so by asking your parents to click the following link:


At the end of this blog, I have attached some images of the animals from the show. I would like you to pay particular attention to the patterns that have been used to illustrate each animal. What sorts of shapes and colours have been used? What do you notice about the lines? How has the illustrator used space and tone?

Task 1: Can you carry out some research into Tingatinga art and create a short information leaflet about it? (Use the template provided).

Task 2: Can you create a painting of an African animal in the style of Tingatinga?

Task 3: Can you create an African sunset silhouette by mixing colours and using the templates at the bottom of this blog? Parents- please see the adult guidance attached J.

Task 4: Look at the ‘African Masks’ PowerPoint. There is lots of information in this presentation, so you will need an adult to look at it with you. Can you design and create your own traditional African mask using a range of different materials? (For example a paper plate, some cardboard, crepe paper, paint, crayons etc).

I really hope you enjoy this project work children. As always, I would LOVE to see any photographs of your creations, so please feel free to email them to me at school on:  stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk .

I won’t set you any more work tomorrow as I think you have got quite enough to be getting on with for now, but I will check in with you all to see how you are getting on. 

Remember, in addition to this project, try to do some reading and times tables practise each day.

For those who like to follow the BBC Bitesize daily lessons, the link is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z7s22sg/year-2-and-p3-lessons

Have a wonderful day in the sun children! laugh

Take care,

Mrs R heart



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