Home School 22nd May

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 8:35pm

Hello Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week. I am in school today with some of our children- we are being ‘Dictionary Detectives’ as well as artists today J.

Did you know that today is the last day of Summer Term 1? If we were in school, we would be finishing for Whit half term today. This means that for the next 2 weeks, Mrs TD and I won’t be setting you any new tasks to complete, or blogging to you. We want you all to have a well-earned rest!








A big well done to all of the children who have been busy on Purple Mash this half term completing the 2Dos we have set. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of you! If you haven’t been on Purple Mash recently, why not take a look at the activities we have posted and give them a try.






Last week, I set you a challenge to try and make your own safari vehicle from items around your home such as kitchen roll holders, cereal packets and tin foil. Did anyone manage to make a super safari vehicle? If so, I would LOVE to see a photograph of your creation. Ask your parents to send an email to me and Mrs TD at school so we can check them out J.  stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk 







As part of our Science work this half term, we would have been looking into how different animals are adapted to their habitats. Last week, I set you two 2Dos on Purple Mash (Adaptation to Deserts and Adaptation to Tundra). I was very impressed with the fact sheets that some of you produced. I could tell you had worked very hard to find out about different desert and polar animals and their environments.

This week, I would like you to think about food chains- this describes the order in which living things (organisms) depend on each other for food. I have added some MY CITIES tasks for you to work through on Education City around this.  https://www.educationcity.com/

Our Food Chain - Chrome Web Store





I would also like you to try and find out about some of the plants that can be found in hot and cold places. Can you make a list of these and then choose one plant from a hot region and one from a cold region and make a ‘Fascinating Facts Card’ with bullet points explaining how this plant is adapted to its environment? For example, a cactus plant which can be found in the desert has a thick, waxy skin to reduce loss of water and retain heat. What other plants can you find out about? 

Cute Cactus Clipart Free PNG Image|Illustoon








The following website is a good place to start. https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/plants/. Remember to ask an adult before using the Internet and follow our SMART rules.


Finally- just for fun- I have attached a plants and flowers hunt for you to try if you are going out and about for exercise today. You may even find some of these in your own garden! The idea is to try and find as many of the plants and flowers on the sheet as possible and tick them off as you go along.

Have a lovely day children and a fantastic half term. Mrs TD and I miss you all lots and hope to see you all soon. 

Take care, Mrs Rheart

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