Home School 21st May

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 8:16am

Good morning everyone,

Mrs Ryan will be offering some topic work today and tomorrow so I won’t add any new 2Dos or MYCITIES today.

However for those of you who like a challenge I have set a Number and Place Value Assessment if you want to have a go and see how you do. It is up to you but I know some of you love a challenge!

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for is the 5 times table.  We are all improving massively with our times tables and today is a chance to just take a deeper dive into the five times table. 

The English focus today looking at spelling the days of the week and using them to write a diary, it also looks at how we use verbs in our writing. I

There is an ICT focus looking at computer games and how they’re made, some of you might enjoy this.

Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TDsmiley