Home School 20th May

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:29am

Good morning everyone,

What a beautiful morning it is!

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for is the 2 times table.  We are all improving massively with our times tables and today is a chance to just take a deeper dive into the two times table.  I have added some MYCITIES on Homework Education City and some learn screens. These also look at the division facts which are important to know too! There is also a video to watch on the White Rose Maths Home learning page.  As well as these there are lots of other activities from previous days that you could take a look at if you haven’t already completed them.

The English focus today is adding adjectives to our writing to improve it and make it more descriptive. I have added some MYCITIES to help you practise and learn a bit more about adding adjectives and making noun phrases.  Well done to those children yesterday who had a go at writing instructions – some of you saved your work to our Y2 Display Board on Purple Mash so we can all see!

It is World Bee Day today.  Why not look at some Bee Arts and Crafts? Or read up and learn all about bees?  You could make your own bee out of some materials you may have around the house. Bee creative! (get it?)

For those of you out and about in the sunshine today, take care, make sure you have your hats and sunscreen on and drink lots of water.  You might even spot a bee out and about too!

Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TDsmiley