Home School 20th July Transition Tasks

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 7:47pm

Y2 Home School Transition Activities for July 20-22

School curriculum work has ended now but for those of you who are keen to introduce yourselves to your new class teachers I have attached some activities for you to try. If you can’t print them out, just view them on screen and have a go at the tasks just using plain paper.  Once completed, you can bring them into school on your first day back in September.  They will help introduce yourself to your class teachers and let them know some important things about you!

There are some, "All about you and your family," activities, there is a template of a jar and you can record all your “Lockdown Memories” of 2020 – this will be nice to share with your friends and teachers when you come back to school in September.

For those of you who love maths there is a new maths booklet which you may want to work on through the summer.  This is optional and you don't need to bring it back to school.  Again, if you don't want to print it out just work on plain paper from the screen!

Have a lovely summer break, I am sure you will all come and say "hello" to Mrs Ryan, Mrs O'Donoghue and myself in September.  We wish you the very best in your new class and are sure you will  all make us  very proud of you.  We have absolutley loved teaching you and are sorry that our year was cut short and finished far too soon!

Best wishes

Mrs Talbot-Davies, Mrs Ryan and Mrs O'Donoghuesmiley smiley  smiley

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