Home School 19th May

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:07am

Good morning everyone,

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for maths today continues with multiplication and has a focus on arrays. There are lots of activities for you to complete in Homework MYCITY on Education City and I have added 3 2Dos on Purple Mash.  There is also some work on the White Rose Home Learning Maths Hub.

The English focus today is using co-ordinating conjunctions when writing instructions. On the English tab in Purple Mash there are lots of templates to help you when writing instructions. You can use these or make your own.  Think of something that you do often, eg brushing your teeth, making a fruit cordial, making cupcakes, designing and making a model (maybe a rocket?) and try writing some instructions for the task.  We have written instructions before in class so remember the different parts:

  • interesting title
  • introduction
  • What You Need (this section might have you using commas in a list)
  • What To Do (this section will be in order with each new instruction starting with a bossy verb, each new instruction will start on a new line and will have a number, here you can add some conjunctions)
  • Closing sentence (conclusion)

There is a geography focus today looking at the continent of Oceania.  Remember when we looked at all the continents in the world on a globe and named all the oceans?  This might be interesting to look at.

 It’s National Smile Month this month all about the importance of taking care of our teeth!  There are lots of activities on TWINKL Home Learning about the need to keep our teeth clean.  Why not take a look? You could do some writing titled: What My Smile Says About Me…and tell me what your smile says about you.

Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TDsmiley