Home School 19th June

Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 3:06pm

Hello to our lovely Year 2s! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well.

How did you get on with your topic work yesterday? Did you find Captain Scott’s story interesting? Now, I know that lots of you like a challenge, so I have attached a 'Missing Words' sheet all about Captain Scott’s expedition to Antarctica. See if you can have a go at filling in the missing words to complete the text. I’m sure you will all be superstars at this!

For today’s task, I have attached a link below to a lovely PowerPoint all about African music. Unfortunately, the PowerPoint was too large to attach directly to this blog. (I tried several times!)  However, if your parents click on the following link, they should be able to download it using the 'download' option on the right hand side of the screen. 

African Music PowerPoint

Enjoy listening to the sounds created by the different instruments and see if you can clap along to the rhythm or beat. If you have any musical instruments at home (or want to have a go at making one) see if you can play your instrument along to the music.  


As part of our Art curriculum, this half term we would have been looking at African artwork and patterns. I have attached a PowerPoint with some information about this and some fabric colouring pages for you to create your own African artwork using bright colours and repeating patterns. Next week, I will be setting you an Art project, so be sure to look out for it on the blog.



Before I finish, can I just say how lovely it has been to receive emails from some of you and to read about what you have been getting up to. I have been so impressed by all of your hard work and it has really brightened up my day hearing from you! I can’t believe how big your bean plants have grown and your African safari vehicles look amazing! A HUGE well done to everyone!

Take care and I will write again next week.

Mrs R heart

Files to Download