Home School 18th May

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 9:12am

Good morning everyone,

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another day of Home School.  I am so proud of how hard you are all working whilst having lots of fun with your families.

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for maths today is all repeated addition and multiplication, we have covered this in class so I know you will all be able to complete the activities.  I have added a new MYCITY homework and copied the Multiplication Mayhem Class MYCITY that many of us started in school.  If you were one of those children that didn’t manage to complete all the activities when we were in class why not have another go this week? Remember the White Rose Maths Home Learning runs alongside the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons and these videos are good too.  Well done to those children who are working hard to complete these tasks.

The English focus today is reading and spelling homophones. There are some new activities in Homework MYCITY for you to try.

There is a history focus today which looks at important people in history – in class we have looked at people like Guy Fawkes and Neil Armstrong.  Today’s focus is all about Rosa Parks, why not take a look and learn all about this brave woman.

 A huge  “well done” to those children who are working hard at home to complete these tasks. I can see your success in my success tracker!  I have not added any 2Dos in Purple Mash today but there are still lots of activities for you to try if you just have a browse through the different screens – you might find something that really takes your fancy.  If you do a writing or an art project why not pop it onto the Y2 Display Board for everyone to see?

It’s National Smile Month this month and the importance of taking care of our teeth!  There are lots of activities on TWINKL Home Learning about the importance of keeping our teeth clean.  Why not take a look?


Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TDsmiley