Home School 17th July

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 3:37pm

Hi guys! It’s Mrs Ryan here. A big ‘HAPPY FRIDAY’ to you all.  I hope you are all well. How did you get on with yesterday’s topic tasks? Did any of you manage to create a super poster, or PowerPoint explaining what you have learnt during our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic? I would love to see your creations, so please do email me at school so I can see how you got on. Did anyone have a go at the ‘Memories’ activity? What did you enjoy most about your time in Year 2? What things will you remember about your time with Mrs TD, Mrs OD and me? Feel free to write us a letter, or email – we’d love to hear from you!

Now, today will be the last time I write you as Year 2s (but don’t worry, Mrs TD will still be blogging to you next week, Mon- Weds before we finish for summer on Wednesday 22nd).  Today, I thought it would be nice to start preparing for your transition to Year 3. It is completely normal to feel a mixture of emotions as you make the change into your new class and into Key Stage 2. You might be feeling excited, happy, anxious, nervous and scared all at the same time- and that’s all ok! You are all superstars and I know that you will all shine in Year 3 and will very quickly get used to the new routines and work.  I am very excited to be able to teach you again on Mondays, and I will put a letter on the Y3 blog to you next week explaining some of the things we will be doing on ‘Mrs Ryan Mondays’.

For today I have attached a lovely story entitled, ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’- all about a caterpillar who initially feels anxious about becoming a butterfly. Have a read of the story and the PowerPoint that goes with it then see if you can complete the ‘Spreading My Wings Y2-Y3’ booklet I have attached. Next week, Mrs TD will set you some more transition tasks to help you prepare for your next adventure!

The BBC Bitesize Home Learning task for today is something a bit different- making your own afternoon tea scones. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zspxdp3

You will need adult supervision if you decide to do this task. There is a lovely extension activity to create an invitation for an afternoon tea party.

Have a wonderful day children. It really has been an absolute pleasure teaching you all this year. Stay safe, have a wonderful summer and I will see you all in September.

Take care,

Mrs R heart

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