Home School 16th July

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 9:23am

Good morning Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. How are you all feeling today? I hope you and your families are all well. It’s not long to go now until our summer holiday and a well-earned rest for you all.

You should have all now received your end of year reports from Mrs TD and I. We are both incredibly PROUD of you all and the progress you have made this year- we couldn’t have asked any more from you. Have your parents told you who your teachers for next year are? That’s right, I will be teaching you on Mondays and Mrs Cotterill will be your teacher Tuesdays-Fridays. We are both really excited and looking forward to seeing you all in September. I can’t wait to see how much you have all grown!


Now, we have officially reached the end of our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic that we started back in April, so today I would like you to create either a poster or a PowerPoint explaining some of the key things that you have learnt during this topic. You can display your work any way you choose using words/text and pictures. Perhaps look back on previous blog posts if you need a reminder of the sorts of things we did earlier on in the topic.

As we approach the end of the school year, I would like to know what your favourite memories from this year have been. Remember when we celebrated the end of our ‘Passport to the World’ topic with Caribbean ‘mocktails’ and tropical fruit? What about when Tristan’s daddy came in and told us all about the amazing James Clarke? Perhaps it was the Year 2 Christmas nativity with Mrs TD, or when we carried out our experiment to see which material was the best insulator for the 3 Little Pig’s houses? Have a think and then take a look at the ‘Memories’ sheet I have attached to this blog and see if you can complete it. If you would like to go a step further, why not write a letter/email to me and Mrs TD and send it in to us at school letting us know what you enjoyed most about your time with us in Year 2.


BBC bitesize lessons for today are as follows:


Maths: Compare durations of time. This is especially important children as the first maths topic I will cover with you in September will be TIME, so if you are able to do a little bit of preparation around this, it will give you a great start in the Autumn term. Try to learn to tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Then see if you can move on to telling the time in 5 minute intervals.


English: Planning and writing a story. We know that you are all super writers in Year 2, so you should enjoy this. Perhaps you could set your story in Africa, or the Polar Regions?


Dance: This lesson is based around the ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ (one of Mrs Ryan’s favourite ballets, just behind ‘Swan Lake’). In this lesson, you will create a dance inspired by the symmetry of the dancing snowflakes in The Nutcracker. A symmetrical shape is one which is the same on both sides.I’m sure you will all enjoy this- particularly the gymnasts/dancers in the class.

Have a WONDERFUL, fun-filled day children and enjoy your learning!

Remember to send any pictures/ work in to me and Mrs TD so we can see how you’re getting on.  stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk

I will write again tomorrow.

Mrs R heart

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