Home School 15th May

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 6:50pm

Good morning Year 2! laugh

It’s Mrs Ryan here. I can’t believe it’s Friday again already!  I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week. Have you all been enjoying your topic work on hot and cold places? Did you notice lots of differences between Chereponi and Billinge? The weather is certainly very different, isn’t it? Although we have had some beautiful weather here recently, the climate in England tends to be what we call ‘temperate’, whereas in Ghana the climate is ‘tropical’. For more information about different weather and climates around the world, check out the ‘Hot and Cold Climates’ PowerPoint I posted on 24th April.

Did you all have a go at drawing your house and family in Billinge and a house and family in Chereponi? What sort of differences did you notice? In Chereponi, the houses tend to be built from clay and have thatched roofs whereas, over here, houses are usually made from brick. Did you know that in Chereponi the average household size is around 8 people? How many people live in your household? Is this more or less than a typical household in Chereponi?



Now, over the next week, I would like you think a bit more about African and Polar animals and how they are adapted to their habitats. Do you know what ‘adapted’ means? If not, could you use a dictionary to find out? The BBC bitesize website has some lovely clips about adaptation- check these out to help you.

Twinkl are offering you the chance to take part in Sea Life's penguin feeding at 2pm today via their home learning hub. Aquarists from Sea Life London will be feeding and answering questions about penguins. Parents, remember that Twinkl is currently free to sign up to using the following link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer    Code: CVDTWINKLHELPS. There are lots of lovely learning resoucres about animal adaptation on here smiley

Furthermore, Knowsley Safari Park’s website has lots of lovely free resources all about African animals- there is even a home-school safari! How amazing is that? https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/explore/home-school-safari/

Remember to ask an adult before using the Internet and always follow our SMART Internet safety rules.

Once you have done your research, I would like you to choose one African animal and one Polar animal and complete a fact sheet about how each one is adapted to its environment. I have set you two 2dos on purple mash for this task (Adaptation to Deserts and Adaptation to Tundra). Once you are done, remember to click the 'share' icon so  I can add your work to our Y2 display board. 

Finally, for those of you who enjoy Art and Design Technology - and I know that’s lots of you- I have very a special challenge for you! Over the next few weeks, I would like you to have a go at making your very own safari vehicle using items from around your home (e.g. old cereal boxes, kitchen roll holders, milk bottle tops, tin foil etc). Be as creative as you like! I have attached some ideas to this blog to inspire you. Me and Baby Blake had a go at making one a few weeks ago, so I’ve attached a photograph of that too. I would LOVE to see your safari vehicles when they are finished.

Have LOTS of fun learning children and I will speak to you all again next week.

Mrs R heart

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